A lot of different types of insurance are accepted by Emory Patient Portal. These include private and employer-based plans, Federal health insurance marketplace plans, standard Medicare and Medicare Advantage plans, and more.
Emory Healthcare will file a claim on your behalf if it has a deal with a third party or insurance company. Any fees that aren’t covered by insurance or other third parties must be paid for by the customer.
The patient will get a bill from both the doctor and the hospital for the difference between how much their insurance company says they owe and how much they paid as a deposit before the service.
The payment is due 30 days after receiving the bill. If the patient can’t pay in full, they should call 404-778-7318 for doctor statements and 404-686-7041 for hospital statements.
Insurance Terms You Should Know:
The monthly fee is the amount you pay each month to keep your health insurance.
Health Insurance Network: The group of doctors, hospitals, and other businesses that your health insurance company has partnered with to help its customers get medical care. Before making an appointment, please call your insurance company to make sure that Emory is in your plan’s network.
Charges: The amounts that customers and/or insurance companies pay for services.
A co-payment is the amount you pay for your part of a medical service or item, like going to the doctor.
Deductible: The amount you have to pay for medical care that is covered by your insurance before you get paid back.
Max Out-of-Pocket Spending: The most you’ll have to pay for services that are covered during the plan year. After you’ve paid these fees, co-payments, and coinsurance, your health plan will cover all of your other costs.
You should sign up for the Emory Patient Portal so that you can handle your health care online. Doctors and other health care workers can talk to each other online with an electronic medical record. You can get phone calls, text messages, and emails that tell you of your meetings.